MRI brain relaxometry dataset creation toolkit
This software aims to reconstruct phantom T1 and T2 MRI brain relaxometry images. All the image processing used in this project is based on structural brain templates.
The currently available version of RelaxoPhantom toolkit is relaxophantom-v1.1.1, which provides:
To see a simple example of the image data that is created, please download a relaxometry sample. In this particular example, the slice selected is at the middle brain portion in MNI152 brain template (slice 81). All the 180 slices in the MNI152 are reconstructed in RelaxoPhantom, which gives a three-dimensional brain relaxometry simulation.
As it is, the software needs FSL previously installed on your machine. Please, be sure that FSL is previously installed. To check if exist a link for FSL in your machine type
whereis fsl
If you do not have FSL installed, you can download it directly from official FSL website. To know more about FSL, see more information about it here. The FSL software and RelaxoPhantom toolkits are under GNU license. We do not have any responsibility for any problem or bad functioning of the code.
Simply download this repository (.zip or .tar.gz formats), extract it on a desired folder path, and run the script phantom-build. If you want to change the simulation parameters, simply change the header section in the phantom-build script file. You can edit it on any text editor, such as Notepad or Gedit. Please, choose those parameters wisely.
Note: Make sure that the script files have permission to execute. You can change the permission parameters simply typing in a terminal
chmod u+x <script>
This project is maintained by @acsenrafilho and if you have any problem, bug or suggestion, please contact me by my email address. This project is freely available to download and use.
If you want to add any modification in the code, please fork it on GitHub repository!